
The Best KDrama OSTs

*In my opinion*                                       Official Sound Tracks (OSTs) are a huge part of Kdramas. OSTs are part of what makes Kdramas different from other forms of television. Because a limited group of songs are used frequently throughout the drama, the songs have to be placed carefully. This can make the drama great, or somewhat obnoxious (*cough* Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food *cough*). And it can be difficult to become accustomed to for first time drama watchers. Here is a list of what I consider to be the best OSTs. Please bear in mind that I haven't seen every single drama in existence and I picked OSTs that have stuck with me, even years after I've watched a drama. Goblin How could I not include Goblin? This drama has one of the most iconic OSTs. It was epic tragic and beautiful. There were so many songs that I loved and listened to over and over again. "Hush" b...

For Rio

My dog passed away recently. He was with me for most of my life, though I couldn't see him much towards the end after I left home. Still, I loved him very much and it feels like my life will always be missing something without him. I'm dedicating this post to him.                                   The Great Seducer Wow so Tae Hee and Si Hyun managed to get back together for a day and then break up and then kind of get back together and then break up and finally getting back together (I think) all within the last couple of episodes. I think this drama takes the world record for the most unstable couple. I really don't understand why they had to be apart for five years. I understand why Tae Hee wanted some time to herself after everything she experienced, but it seemed like she was just waiting for Si Hyun to find her. Did she forget everything? Everything was kind of unclear about Soo Ji and Se ...

It's the Final Countdown

                                   I am SO CLOSE to finishing a project I've been working on for years. I'm also really close to being done with school for hopefully the rest of my life. My workload is getting lighter, the sun is getting brighter, and I think I can finally see the end. And that means more drama watching time!                       Ruler As of this post, I've watched up to episode 35. I feel like Hwa Gun could have been a very compelling lead as opposed to Ga Eun. Of course, I would have wanted Kim So Hyun to play Hwa Gun instead of Yoon So Hee. And I cannot stand the peasant Lee Sun. Ga Eun has insulted him and clearly has no interest in him romantically. Why would he want someone who now severely dislikes him to be by his side? Why does he want to keep her as a hostage? It makes no sense to me. None of the relation...

I'm trying here

                                 I've had an incredible load of work to do in a very short period of time these past few weeks. Consequently, I haven't been able to find a lot of drama watching time. And now I'm even behind on some shows, but I also managed to pick up a new one!                                 Live I love how this show doesn't hold back. Very rarely does it view the world through rose tinted lenses. The sets of homes and other spaces don't look like they belong in a magazine. The characters are rarely seen wearing trendy designer clothes. It represents life as it is. And characters are represented as true people, highly flawed. Characters who once earned merits, like Jeong Oh, make terrible mistakes and lie. Characters who do special handshakes with each other in one scene refuse to eat with eac...

Ugh spring drama slump

                                  I noticed that it's always in the early spring that I start to feel exhaustion from drama watching. I'm not motivated and options are always less than inspiring. I am happy, however, that I've been able to finally find subs for Live! It's difficult to watch, but rewarding.                               Radio Romance Done and done. I get that by the end of the last episode, Su Ho and Geu Rim were in a relationship. Geu Rim got rid of her poodle hair, thank God. Su Ho came to terms with his friend's death and stopped allowing his family pretend to be prefect when they were very much flawed. Su Ho's mother stopped being so manipulative to a certain extant. Tae Ri and her manager Oppa became engaged. And writer La and her ex seem to be getting back together. So why does it feel like nothing ha...

The Drama Bucket

                          I like to think of my drama watching habits as a bucket being placed under a leaking roof. There are new dramas coming out every week that I want to catch. But at the same time I have a backlog of dramas from months ago I've never finished. I catch the new ones as episodes come out and if I have time I work on the ones that already ended and I never got to. This past week, the roof has been leaking, but the water droplets are stuck between the roof panes (the episodes I want to watch are not being subbed), so I've been going back to deal with the water that has been collecting in the bucket.                        The Best Hit I finished this bad boy recently. I remember when I started this drama back in June, it was one of the most hilarious dramas I'd ever seen. But in the last bunch of episodes, it was pure emotion and...

Groundhog Day

Winter is coming to an end, finally. I always love the arrival of winter; the first snowfall, holidays, and celebration. But it quickly tires and I yearn for the freedom and mobility that comes with warmer weather. I want this winter, in particular, to end soon. Meanwhile, I've reached as far back as dramas from last May and I'm well on my way to being all caught up. While You Were Sleeping Now that I've finished this, I think I can say that it failed my expectations. I really liked it in the beginning. I thought the drama introduced its characters in an interesting way. And I do think the character and relationship development was the show's strongest point. Each of the 3 main leads (Hong Joo, Jae Chan, and Woo Tak) were complete strangers in the beginning, but by the end they were deeply intertwined in each others' lives. A good deal of that, however, was due to the fact that they dream with each other, which I don't think was explained very well....